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How do I edit a report?

Information on editing a document (including addendums and corrections).

To request for eSignature or Front End Speech Recognition in order to perform your own edits, please contact Transcription Services for access.

Prior to the document being transcribed (not available in the PCIS)


Please contact Transcription Services with your edit/corrections.

After the document has been finalized (available in the PCIS)

If your document has a typographical error, missing information, addendum, or an error impacting patient care, please:

  • Please email for any edits regarding your document.  Note the error in your email (Please do not include patient information (i.e PHN, MRN) in the email or subject line).

  • If you used eSignature or FESR and the document has been signed, you may contact and ask for the document to be sent back to your inbox, or you can fax in the changes.  After the changes have been made, the corrected document will appear in your inbox for re-signature.

Adding an Addendum

To add information to an existing document, you can either dictate an addendum to the document or use the EMR's ability to add an Addendum. This can be done by stating the original job number (if possible) and all patient identifiers.

Addendums can only be added to a document by the originating author.  "Addendums" by another author will be created as a separate document.

SOURCE: How do I edit a report? ( )
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